Life and Death in L.A.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Two 'Unknowns' Craft 'Megamind'

Former Emerson College roommates Alan Schoolcraft and Brent Simmons will this weekend see their seven-year effort to bring "Megamind," the new DreamWorks release, to the screen.
Previously unknown, screenwriters Schoolcraft and Simmons pitched their idea to Ben Stiller, and his Red Hour production company, and Stiller in turn pitched it to director Tom McGrath, whom Stiller worked with on "Madagascar" films.
Originally conceived as a live-action comedy, Dreamworks saw the story as ideal for animation. The voice cast includes Stiller, Brad Pitt and Will Ferrell. The story involves a super villain (Ferrell) who unexpectedly defeats his nemesis, a crime-fighting caped crusader (Pitt). After conquering good, the villain goes through a mid-life crisis.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Forget the Bull, Get a Bulletin Board

These days, scriptwriting software does almost everything for you--thankfully, so far, none of the top programs can pitch your scripts for you, take lunch at The Ivy or collect a 10 percent commission on your earnings. But give them time.
 Some screenwriting software allegedly, and I emphasize the word "allegedly," walks you through the process of constructing scene structure for a feature film script--holy Ishtar!
By far the most useful tools I've found, other than my Macbook pro, and Final Draft screenwriting software, are low-tech products that have been around since before there was any such thing as movies, let alone screenwriting software. It's the standard bulletin board, push pins and index cards.
This is not news to readers of Syd Fields and other screenwriting instructors. But for myself, it was a revelation after years of resisting the bulletin board. Turns out, it's a flexible, inexpensive way to plot out your entire script, and its most obvious advantage is that you can take in the entire story at a glance.
If you establish a set number of cards that you will post to make up a script--the standard being 40, at least for me--you can immediately tell what part of your story is missing and needs to be filled in.
Save yourself a lot of headaches by using these tools and you'll be amazed by how much easier it is to keep your story on track.

Friday, October 29, 2010

It's Good to get Black Listed

The Black List is an annual survey of Hollywood power players in which they pick the year's screenplays they liked best. It doesn't mean that the scripts are going to be produced, although many are either in pre-production or have been purchased. Scripts that make the Black List typically are read by major talent agencies and top producers. They're also a great read for anyone who wants to learn screenwriting principles--and they give you a clear picture of what kinds of scripts Hollywood is interested in.
You can download the 2004 to 2009 lists at the Official Black List site. Elsewhere on the Web, you can download all the 2009 Black List scripts in PDF format.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Roku to you, too, pal!

I recently bought a Roku box, the gadget that lets you stream some Netflix titles to your TV set. Now that it's hooked up properly it works well, but getting it to connect with the Internet was no easy matter. The Roku people say it takes just five minutes to set up the equipment--balderdash! For me it took a couple of days and three help-desk phone calls. I get my Internet via a Time Warner cable modem, and that may have been the snag. I read some online forums about others having Roku-Time Warner problems, and I called TW in hopes of straightening things out, but to no avail. Finally someone at Roku helped me get online and before I knew it I was streaming "La Dolce Vita," "Strangers With Candy" and "The Dick Van Dyke Show." Roku isn't the only game in town when it comes to Internet video streaming. You can also get online content on your TV if you have a Blu-ray player or an Xbox. Some folks in the forums say it's easier to hook up the latter two devices--I wouldn't imagine it's any tougher that sorting out the Roku.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Making Enemies at The Social Network

Whenever I sit in a nearly empty movie theater, a couple of people always sit directly behind me and talk. This happened the other night when I saw "The Social Network." Granted, it was a movie house on the Vegas Strip--the Strip being a place where the greater majority of people at any given time are drunk. I turned around and gave them a hard stare and shushed them until it finally dawned on them that there were other people in the joint, and they finally quieted down.
I would have expected a rowdy audience if it were a Kung Fu movie or anything with Sylvester Stallone--but at "The Social Network"?
Please, people, do your social networking after the film's over.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Social Network's opening scene takes place at my old watering hole, the Thirsty Scholar.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Lookout is one of the best I'vew seen in a while -- Scott Frank writer/director.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Kiss Me Deadly is still one of the best noirs on film.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Digital ads on Calif. license plates -- because you can never have too many commercials.

Monday, June 14, 2010

L.A. Film Festival is coming up this weekend.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

FWD: Finished reading and reviewing screenplays for phase 1 of Big Bear competition.